Investment:The Truths and The lies

Business of Investment, to day become a big deal or may be huge deal. If you still have another "paradigm" to investing program, may be this article can add your experience. Here are some truths and lies in investing. For more interestingly, I will discuss his lies before they will ultimately end with the truth that I naturally:
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1. The first lie: There are the kinds of investments that would profit if we joined the demonstration.

This big lie is usually disseminated by the unethical marketing of investment companies (which is also unethical) to pursue the many funds that go to the company.
Please note that NO one investment that can give assurance that you would benefit if followed there. Not even savings (which is actually no longer considered an investment because prices are usually higher than interest on savings) or bank deposits.

All investments have risks. Included with banking products that in fact is a small flowering. What if the bank where you invest your funds then bankrupt while the central government funds are not guaranteed? Of course it can happen. So please know that there is no certainty of 100% profit when you decide to invest.

The truth: Usually following the standard ratio of investment risks to profitability. This means that the greater the benefits obtained, the greater the risk that might occur. And vice versa if you choose investments with low risk, then return that is able to offer is also limited. Although there is also an investment that is a bit silly (which is not recommended to follow!) is a high risk-low return.

2. The second lie: Investment only for the rich.

This statement is true but it was 10 years ago. At times when the financial sector, especially investment is still a new thing in society. But not so with investment in the financial sector today.
This is due to a lack of knowledge on the general public about the investment. Not to mention the image that is formed from prior years have made a financial investment labeled so. Yet from time to time an investment is always evolving and increasingly popular in the community. It is we who must participate to learn.

The truth: Some very retail investments reached almost the same in character and save that only needs a few hundred bucks in capital only.
Even forex trading which was formerly known as investment instruments for the super rich people (big boys) were no longer so because it has become quite retail. Compare this with 10 years ago in which the funds should be minimum of $ 10,000.

3. The third lie: Investment only for educated people because it is difficult and confuse.

No. Not true at all. On the contrary, investing is not like applying for jobs and require a variety of academic and experience requirements to be accepted. Whoever you are, you can start investing and do not complicate. Investing is not just for smart people. Some people I have met in the investment world futures trading (which is known as an investment even the most complex) is the mother, housewife and student.

The truth: In some models of investment you can submit your funds to an investment manager who can manage your funds in a professional and you can simply accept the result only. If you want maximum results, again, of course you had to intervene to manage it themselves (active investors). Not as difficult as most people imagine. Simply understand analysis of existing instruments, financial arrangements and the psychological effect, you can become an investment manager for yourself.

4. Fourth lie: It is difficult to invest in the financial sector if living in the remote town

who is Says that? If this is still age 80th is yes. But the days when this region and the state border is no longer a bond in investing. The world is connected through the Internet and global banking.  It is a remote area "a bit" isolated to the real sector. But that does not mean the financial sector as well. Yesterday was remote, but after no internet and phone then your world is no longer isolated. So happy!

The truth: Then why should we think that the distance limit we invest? Throughout there is a banking institution in your place and you have a telephone network, Internet and even the financial sector investments no longer need to go to the offices of securities broker or a place where you invest. Just make sure the office where you originally wanted to invest is the official and authorized local government. The rest, take care by phone and email! Even foreign brokerage firms have been serving the opening forex accounts from various countries around the world by providing online registration form. Learn Forex also done online. So no need to feel lost opportunity! 


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